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North Turramurra Skins Golf 2018 Archive

2018 Skins Champion.

[2018 Skins Champion]
2018 Champion

The North Turramurra Skins Champion for 2018 is PeterH with 161 skins. The runner-up is Craig with 133.

[2018 Skins Runner-up]
2018 Runner-up
2018 Skins Results
  1. PeterH 161
  2. Craig 133
  3. Mark 50
  4. PeterD 32
  5. Remaining 73
2018 Longest Drive
  1. PeterH 10
  2. Craig 8
  3. PeterD 3
  4. Mark 1
  5. NA 3
2018 NTP
  1. Craig 9
  2. PeterH 5
  3. PeterD 2.5
  4. Mark 1.5
  5. NA 7
Skins History

2018 Xmas Round

15th December:
[Presentation 2018Dec15a]
2018 Playing Group

We had a small field of 4 players including one entrant from Melbourne and one arriving from Europe just in time for the match. The weather was again hot and humid causing the older in the field to take it slowly.

The match was very close for the full 18 holes with PeterH taking a first Xmas win by 2 points from PeterD.

[Presentation 2018Dec15b]
2018 NTCC Champion
Special Playing Conditions

Playing conditions for 2018 were: single stableford competition, the longest drive on the usual 13th hole, nearest to the pin on the usual 15th hole and no club restrictions.

Individual Scores:
[Presentation 2018Dec15c]
NTP & Longest Drive Winner
Aggregate Stableford Scores:

15th (par 3) PeterD.

Nearest to the pin (15th hole):

PeterD 3 pds; also taking the competition NTP on the 14th, earning a 2 ball prize.

Longest drive (13th hole):

PeterD with a 202 metre drive.

[Presentation 2018Dec15d]
Bradman Award Winner
Bradman Award:

The Bradman award goes to Mark.

Interesting Shots:

Mark made a par for an impressive 4 points on the difficult 6th hole.


provided by all players.


started overcast and humid and afterwards very hot and steamy.

Annual General Meeting

The AGM was a brief affair: Craig proposed a rule change to the triple crown award.

Change proposed: At least 3 players are required before a triple crown is awarded.
The change was carried by 2 Founding Member votes to nil with 2 non-members observing.

NTCC Champions

Round 25: Craig takes the final round

[Presentation 2018Dec08a]
Trophy Presentation
8th December:

Both players struggled with the front 9 once again. It was a pleasure to reach the trees and get some relief from the heat.

Craig had the skins in hand with 9 skins by hole 13 and went on to win by 2.

Stableford Individual Scores
[Name (hcap) Points Skins]:


Nearest to the pin (15th hole):

Craig with a tee shot to 3 metres.

Longest drive (13th hole):

Craig with a 170 metre drive.

Interesting Shots:

None today.


by PeterH. Next time it will be everybody catering for the Xmas round.

Rules of the Round:

24-2. Immovable Obstruction

a. Interference

Interference by an immovable obstruction occurs when a ball lies in or on the obstruction, or when the obstruction interferes with the player's stance or the area of his intended swing. If the player's ball lies on the putting green, interference also occurs if an immovable obstruction on the putting green intervenes on his line of putt. Otherwise, intervention on the line of play is not, of itself, interference under this Rule.

b. Relief

Except when the ball is in a water hazard or a lateral water hazard, a player may take relief from interference by an immovable obstruction as follows:

(i) Through the Green: If the ball lies through the green, the player must lift the ball and drop it, without penalty, within one club-length of and not nearer the hole than the nearest point of relief. The nearest point of relief must not be in a hazard or on a putting green. When the ball is dropped within one club-length of the nearest point of relief, the ball must first strike a part of the course at a spot that avoids interference by the immovable obstruction and is not in a hazard and not on a putting green.

(ii) In a Bunker: If the ball is in a bunker, the player must lift the ball and drop it either:

(a) Without penalty, in accordance with Clause (i) above, except that the nearest point of relief must be in the bunker and the ball must be dropped in the bunker; or

(b) Under penalty of one stroke, outside the bunker keeping the point where the ball lay directly between the hole and the spot on which the ball is dropped, with no limit to how far behind the bunker the ball may be dropped.

(iii) On the Putting Green: If the ball lies on the putting green, the player must lift the ball and place it, without penalty, at the nearest point of relief that is not in a hazard. The nearest point of relief may be off the putting green.

(iv) On the Teeing Ground: If the ball lies on the teeing ground, the player must lift the ball and drop it, without penalty, in accordance with Clause (i) above.

The ball may be cleaned when lifted under this Rule.

(Ball rolling to a position where there is interference by the condition from which relief was taken - see Rule 20-2c(v))

Exception: A player may not take relief under this Rule if (a) interference by anything other than an immovable obstruction makes the stroke clearly impracticable or (b) interference by an immovable obstruction would occur only through use of a clearly unreasonable stroke or an unnecessarily abnormal stance, swing or direction of play.

Note 1: If a ball is in a water hazard (including a lateral water hazard), the player may not take relief from interference by an immovable obstruction. The player must play the ball as it lies or proceed under Rule 26-1.

Note 2: If a ball to be dropped or placed under this Rule is not immediately recoverable, another ball may be substituted.

Note 3: The Committee may make a Local Rule stating that the player must determine the nearest point of relief without crossing over, through or under the obstruction.


sunny, hot and humid.

Round 24: The wind was the winner

[Presentation 2018Nov24a]
Trophy Presentation
24th November:

The front 9 was the winner today as the strong wind took control. The two ball multiplier number included 6 wipes. Once we reached the shelter of the trees in the back 9 the scores improved somewhat.

The skins result was in doubt until the final hole where PeterH grabbed the trophy with a plucky 1 stableford point. Earlier, Craig had some bad luck in losing a skin with a 2 shot penalty on the 10th.

Stableford Individual Scores
[Name (hcap) Points Skins]:
Two Ball Multiplier Stableford:
[Presentation 2018Nov24b]

15th (par 3): PeterH.

Nearest to the pin (15th hole):

PeterH with a tee shot to 38cm.
[See the photo on the right.]

Longest drive (13th hole):

Craig with a 179 metre drive.

Interesting Shots:

the PeterH tee shot on the 15th hole to 38 cm was good enough to win 2 balls in the course NTP.


by Craig. Next time it will be PeterH to cater.

Rules of the Round:

15-3. Wrong Ball

b. Stroke Play

If a competitor makes a stroke or strokes at a wrong ball, he incurs a penalty of two strokes.

The competitor must correct his mistake by playing the correct ball or by proceeding under the Rules. If he fails to correct his mistake before making a stroke on the next teeing ground or, in the case of the last hole of the round, fails to declare his intention to correct his mistake before leaving the putting green, he is disqualified.

Strokes made by a competitor with a wrong ball do not count in his score. If the wrong ball belongs to another competitor, its owner must place a ball on the spot from which the wrong ball was first played.

Exception: There is no penalty if a competitor makes a stroke at a wrong ball that is moving in water in a water hazard. Any strokes made at a wrong ball moving in water in a water hazard do not count in the competitor's score.


sunny with high speed wind gusts.

Round 23: Craig wins in another tight finish

[Presentation 2018Nov17a]
Trophy Presentation
17th November:

After 3 weeks of intense preparation for the first round of the Club Championship we arrived to find that it has been cancelled due to lack of interest and the poor state of some of the greens.

The skins was competitive as usual with Craig taking the trophy by one skin.

Stableford Individual Scores
[Name (hcap) Points Skins]:


Nearest to the pin (15th hole):

Craig with a tee shot to 3.1 CCS.

Longest drive (13th hole):

Craig with a 175 metre drive.

Interesting Shots:

- PeterH successfully read the 2nd green and made the long putt for par.
- Craig played a spectacular tee shot on the 15th to 3 paces from the flag.


by PeterH. Next time it will be Craig to cater.

Rules of the Round:

No rules today.


overcast and breezy.

Round 22: No Prize Money

[Presentation 2018Oct27a]
Trophy Presentation
27th October:

The skins continued today with the two remaining starters. Both players managed to play to handicap but could not get near the winning 42 points. Also, the 2BBB score was short of a win.

The Skins were close until PeterH took 4 skins with a par on the 16th after a run of squared holes.

Stableford Individual Scores
[Name (hcap) Points Skins]:
2BBB Stableford


Nearest to the pin (15th hole):

Craig with a tee shot to 4 CCS.

Longest drive (13th hole):

Craig with a 168 metre drive (into a gale).

Interesting Shots:

PeterH made a par on the 16th (now index 1) for 4 points by sneaking a tee shot through the branches onto the green.


by Craig. Next time it will be PeterH to cater.

Rules of the Round:

No rules today.


fine with some cloud early and light breezes.

Round 21: No Play

[Presentation 2018Oct13a]
Casual Water
13th October:

The match was cancelled after an early morning WhatsApp chat.


Next time it will be Craig to cater.

Round 20: Craig & PeterH Win 2BBB

[Presentation 2018Sep29a]
Trophy Presentation
29th September:

This match was a sporting cliche and consisted of two halves. PeterH led early and scored 5 of his 6 skins on the front 9. Craig then warmed up and dominated the back 9.

Craig had a target of 9 points from the last 3 holes in order to make the 36 points and made it with ease.

The NT competition was single stableford plus 2BBB today and Craig and PeterH won the NT two ball with 47 points. The three 4 point holes were some help.

Stableford Individual Scores
[Name (hcap) Points Skins]:
2BBB Stableford

4th (par 4): PeterH.

Nearest to the pin (15th hole):

Craig with a tee shot to 8 CCS.

Longest drive (13th hole):

PeterH with a 180 metre drive.

Interesting Shots:

the approach shot on he 4th by PeterH before sinking the birdie putt.


by PeterH. Next time it will be Craig to cater.

Rules of the Round:

No rules today.


fine and windy.

Round 19: Craig Has a Hot Back Nine

[Presentation 2018Sep22a]
Trophy Presentation
22nd September:

The match started in fine weather and the course was in first-rate condition.

Skins were even after the first 10 holes and then Craig hit the accelerator. He was in fine form on the back nine scoring 22 points including three 4 point holes. One of the 4 pointers was the 17th, a hole formerly owned by the sad PeterH.

The NT competition was single stableford and 2BBB today.

Stableford Individual Scores
[Name (hcap) Points Skins]:
2BBB Stableford

17th (par 4): Craig with a chip landing on the fringe and changing direction before rolling to the centre of the cup.

Nearest to the pin (15th hole):

PeterH with tee shot to 10+ PHS.

Longest drive (13th hole):

PeterH with a 208 metre drive.

Interesting Shots:

the chip in birdie by Craig on the 17th hole.


by Craig. Next time it will be PeterH to cater.

Rules of the Round:

No rules today.


sunny and breezy.

Round 18: PeterH Sets a Record

1st September:
[Presentation 2018Sep01a]
Trophy presentation

It was another tough stroke play round with PeterH making a John-Daly-like 13 on the 4th hole. Needless to say, Craig was well ahead by the time we started the old course after the 10th.

PeterH improved by 11 shots on the back 9 and got away with the trophy by 1 skin.

Stroke Play Individual Scores (par 68)
[Name (hcap) Gross / Nett Skins]:

None today.

Longest drive (13th hole):

PeterH with a drive of 227 metres.

Nearest to the pin (15th):

PeterH with a tee shot to 16 and a bit CCS.

Interesting Shots:

PeterH scored a 13 on the 4th hole.

Both players made a bogey for 3 points to square the skins on the index 1 8th hole.


was by PeterH. Next time the caterer will be Craig.

Rules of the Round:
No Rules Today

warm and windy.

Round 17: Craig is back

[Presentation 2018Aug11a]
Trophy Presentation
11th August:

Craig returned to form with an emphatic win in the skins.

The NT competition was single stableford and aggregate pairs today.

Stableford Individual Scores
[Name (hcap) Points Skins]:
2 Ball Aggregate Stableford

8th (index 1): Craig.

Nearest to the pin (15th hole):

No tee shots made it to the green.

Longest drive (13th hole):

Craig with a 170 metre drive.

Interesting Shots:

Craig made a birdie on the par 5, index 1, 8th hole with a classic green in regulation and 1 putt.


by Craig. Next time it will be PeterH to cater.

Rules of the Round:

No rules today.


24 degrees maximum, a sunny day with light breezes early and strong wind gusts later.

Round 16: A Cold Round

4th August:
[Presentation 2018Aug04a]
Trophy presentation

While waiting the frigid first tee, we were engaged in conversation by three young golfers in the following group. They enjoyed a chat and managed to move close for some warmth. The summer outfits should have been a clue to their condition arriving straight from the party. Nevertheless it made for an interesting start to the round.

Today was another stroke play round and we struggled with some holes making a number of eights and even 1 nine!

Stroke Play Individual Scores (par 68)
[Name (hcap) Gross / Nett Skins]:

None today.

Longest drive (13th hole):

PeterH with a drive of 214 metres.

Nearest to the pin (15th):

Craig with a tee shot to 17 CCS.

Interesting Shots:

PeterH scored an 8 on the first hole by wasting putts after forgetting about stroke play.

A colourful group ahead of us announced a hole-in-one on the 15th with much singing and dancing.


was by PeterH and included memorial Frank Hyde stubby holders. Next time the caterer will be Craig.

Rules of the Round:

Rule 18 - Ball at Rest Moved

18-2. By Player, Partner, Caddie or Equipment

Except as permitted by the Rules, when a player's ball is in play, if

(i) the player, his partner or either of their caddies:

• lifts or moves the ball,

• touches it purposely (except with a club in the act of addressing the ball), or

• causes the ball to move, or

(ii) the equipment of the player or his partner causes the ball to move, the player incurs a penalty of one stroke.

If the ball is moved, it must be replaced, unless the movement of the ball occurs after the player has begun the stroke or the backward movement of the club for the stroke and the stroke is made.


sunny and cold with wind gusts.

Round 15: The Sledging Was Too Late

[Presentation 2018Jul21a]
Trophy Presentation
21st July:

The NT competition was single stableford today.

Craig and PeterH shared the skins early in the round before PeterH took the lead. To fight back, Mark had some success with minor sledging on the greens but he had waited until hole 14 and the damage was done.

Stableford Individual Scores
[Name (hcap) Points Skins]:

15th: Craig after the NTP tee shot.

Nearest to the pin (15th hole):

Craig with a tee shot to 40 cm. Craig was also the winner of 3 balls in the competition NTP.

Longest drive (13th hole):

Craig with a 132 metre drive.


was a exotic farewell catering performance by Mark including Bundaberg traditional lemonade, red wine, French and US beer with chips, dips, cheese ... it goes on.

Next time it will be PeterH to cater.

Rules of the Round:

No rules today.


sunny and cool with light winds.

Round 14: The Wind Was The Winner

7th July:
[Presentation 2018Jul07a]
Trophy presentation

Another stroke play round and the first tee was windy and very cold. The low temperature did not affect Craig's form early and he quickly collected the first three skins.

A number of squared holes followed before PeterH started to gather skins and went on to win the round.

Stroke Play Individual Scores
[Name (hcap) Gross / Nett Skins]:

None today.

Longest drive (13th hole):

PeterH with a drive of 181 metres.

Nearest to the pin (15th):

Craig with a tee shot to 10 CCS.

Interesting Shots:

On the 8th hole we were leaving the green when there was a near miss for Craig as a following player hit an approach shot far too early.

While putting on the 9th green, the wind gusts reached gale force as we struggled to make double bogey. On turning around we noticed one buggy had disappeared. After a short search it was located half way down the cliff behind the green.


A fine spread provided by Craig. After this commitment it was disappointing to have only two diners. Next round we have Mark catering as a farewell effort before a study tour of European cuisine. On his return we look forward to a series of exotic feasts.

Rules of the Round:

Note that this rule will be reversed in the 2019 Rule Changes.

14-3. Artificial Devices and Unusual Equipment; Abnormal Use of Equipment

Rule 14-3 governs the use of equipment and devices (including electronic devices) that might assist a player in making a specific stroke or generally in his play.

Golf is a challenging game in which success should depend on the judgement, skills and abilities of the player. This principle guides the USGA in determining whether the use of any item is in breach of Rule 14-3.

For detailed specifications and interpretations on the conformity of equipment and devices under Rule 14-3 and the process for consultation and submission regarding equipment and devices, see Appendix IV.

Except as provided in the Rules, during a stipulated round the player must not use any artificial device or unusual equipment, or use any equipment in an abnormal manner:

a. That might assist him in making a stroke or in his play; or
b. For the purpose of gauging or measuring distance or conditions that might affect his play; or
c. That might assist him in gripping the club, except that:
(i) gloves may be worn provided that they are plain gloves;
(ii) resin, powder and drying or moisturizing agents may be used; and
(iii) a towel or handkerchief may be wrapped around the grip.


1. A player is not in breach of this Rule if (a) the equipment or device is designed for or has the effect of alleviating a medical condition, (b) the player has a legitimate medical reason to use the equipment or device, and (c) the Committee is satisfied that its use does not give the player any undue advantage over other players.

2. A player is not in breach of this Rule if he uses equipment in a traditionally accepted manner.

Penalty for Breach of Rule 14-3:

Match play - Loss of hole; Stroke play - Two strokes.

For subsequent offense - Disqualification.

In the event of a breach between the play of two holes, the penalty applies to the next hole.

Note: The Committee may make a Local Rule allowing players to use a distance-measuring device.


a clear and cool day with wind gusts to gale force.

Round 13: Craig Loses a Countback

[Presentation 2018Jun23a]
Trophy Presentation
23rd June:

Today PeterD returned to Skins for another match away from home and for good measure he brought Matthew with him.

Craig and PeterH accumulated skins on the front nine before Mark started the fight back. However, he lost interest after the prospect of a count back was raised.

Stableford Individual Scores
[Name (hcap) Points Skins]:

10th: Matthew
12th: PeterH.

Nearest to the pin (15th hole):

PeterH with a tee shot to 3 PDS.

Longest drive (13th hole):

PeterD with a 178 metre drive (possibly via trees on the right).

[Presentation 2018Jun23b]
Post Round Celebrations

was a thorough effort by PeterD after a long journey from Melbourne.

Next time it will be Craig to cater.

Interesting Shots:
Rules of the Round:

No rules today.


very cold and still to start the round, followed by full sunshine.

[Presentation 2018Jun09a]

Round 12: No Play Today.

9th June:

After some consultation, round 12 was cancelled.


Next round is to be catered by PeterD.


cool and breezy with steady rain.

Round 11: Mark Putts to Victory

[Presentation 2018May26a]
Trophy Presentation
26th May:

Early in the round, Craig and PeterH traded skins until Mark found form with the putter and moved into the lead. PeterH tried to reverse the trend during the back 9, but Mark was too good on the challenging 16th and 18th holes.

Stableford Individual Scores
[Name (hcap) Points Skins]:
Two Ball Aggregate Stableford Scores:


Nearest to the pin (15th hole):

Craig with a tee shot to 6 and a bit CCS.

Longest drive (13th hole):

PeterH continued the sequence of with a 173 metre drive.


By Craig. Next time it will be Mark to cater.

Rules of the Round:

Rule 28 - Ball Unplayable

The player may deem his ball unplayable at any place on the course, except when the ball is in a water hazard. The player is the sole judge as to whether his ball is unplayable.

If the player deems his ball to be unplayable, he must, under penalty of one stroke:

a. Proceed under the stroke and distance provision of Rule 27-1 by playing a ball as nearly as possible at the spot from which the original ball was last played (see Rule 20-5); or

b. Drop a ball behind the point where the ball lay, keeping that point directly between the hole and the spot on which the ball is dropped, with no limit to how far behind that point the ball may be dropped; or

c. Drop a ball within two club-lengths of the spot where the ball lay, but not nearer the hole.

If the unplayable ball is in a bunker, the player may proceed under Clause a, b or c. If he elects to proceed under Clause b or c, a ball must be dropped in the bunker.

When proceeding under this Rule, the player may lift and clean his ball or substitute a ball.

Penalty for Breach of Rule:

Match play - Loss of hole; Stroke play - Two strokes.


Visibility on the first tee was limited due to the smoke from the bush fire hazard reduction. Once past the first hole we had a clear and cool day.

Round 10: Craig Makes PAR

[Presentation 2018May12a]
Trophy winner
12th May:

It was another wet match and today Craig dominated with ten Skins.

He also made an impressive par score in the NT competition to make third place 1 shot from the lead.

Individual Scores
[Name (hcap) PAR Skins]:

1st (par 4): PeterD.

Nearest to the pin (15th):

Mark and PeterD tied with a tee shots to 6 MBS and 6 PDS.

Longest drive (13th hole):

Mark with a 164 metre drive.


By PeterH. Next time it will be Craig to cater.

Rules of the Round:

No rules today.


Wet and windy.

Round 9: Mark Dominates

[Presentation 2018Apr28a]
Trophy winner
28th April:

The weather was damp and James in the pro shop was amused to watch our reluctance to start the round, however, we did eventually get moving.

Mark dominated the skins and kindly left a few holes for PeterH.

He must have been very confident as the trophy was left at home.

Stableford Individual Scores
[Name (hcap) Points Skins]:

8th (par 5): PeterH.

Nearest to the pin (15th & 16th holes):

no result, no balls on the greens, although, one ball hit the 15th green before rolling back into the bunker.

Longest drive (13th hole):

PeterH with a 165 metre drive.


By Mark. Next time it will be PeterH to cater.

Rules of the Round:

No rules today.


rain showers and wind early in the round, followed by and sunny periods. Also, following our recent comments, the sand in the bunkers had been replenished. This allowed us to enjoy many bunker shots.

Round 8: No Luck Needed

14th April:
[Presentation 2018Apr14a]
Trophy presentation

After taking some time away from golf, Mark returned with a run away win in the skins trophy. The highlight was the 4 stableford points on the index 1 eighth hole.

To make the day complete, the foursome was completed with a surprise visit from PeterD.

Stableford Individual Scores
[Name (hcap) Points Skins]:

none today.

Longest drive (13th hole):

PeterD with a drive of 236 metres.

Nearest to the pin (15th hole):

Craig with a tee shot to 3.5 CCS.

Interesting Shots:

The course was the winner on the 6th hole as 3 players had OOB tee shots followed by the 4th player shooting OOB with the second shot.

A sand save by Craig from a greenside bunker on the 10th to make par and 4 stableford points.

For his final shot of the round, mark casually sunk a 10 metre putt on the undulating 18th green. The excitement cooled after the announcement of a double bogie.


By Craig. Next time catering by Mark.

Rules of the Round:

24-2. Immovable Obstruction

a. Interference

Interference by an immovable obstruction occurs when a ball lies in or on the obstruction, or when the obstruction interferes with the player's stance or the area of his intended swing. If the player's ball lies on the putting green, interference also occurs if an immovable obstruction on the putting green intervenes on his line of putt. Otherwise, intervention on the line of play is not, of itself, interference under this Rule.

b. Relief

Except when the ball is in a water hazard or a lateral water hazard, a player may take relief from interference by an immovable obstruction as follows:

(i) Through the Green:

If the ball lies through the green, the player must lift the ball and drop it, without penalty, within one club-length of and not nearer the hole than the nearest point of relief. The nearest point of relief must not be in a hazard or on a putting green. When the ball is dropped within one club-length of the nearest point of relief, the ball must first strike a part of the course at a spot that avoids interference by the immovable obstruction and is not in a hazard and not on a putting green.


Rule 18 - Ball at Rest Moved

18-2. By Player, Partner, Caddie or Equipment

Except as permitted by the Rules, when a player's ball is in play, if

(i) the player, his partner or either of their caddies:

  • lifts or moves the ball,
  • touches it purposely (except with a club in the act of addressing the ball), or
  • causes the ball to move, or

(ii) the equipment of the player or his partner causes the ball to move, the player incurs a penalty of one stroke.

If the ball is moved, it must be replaced, unless the movement of the ball occurs after the player has begun the stroke or the backward movement of the club for the stroke and the stroke is made.

Under the Rules there is no penalty if a player accidentally causes his ball to move in the following circumstances:

  • In searching for a ball covered by sand or in re-creating the lie of a ball that has been altered during such a process, in the replacement of loose impediments moved in a hazard while finding or identifying a ball, in probing for a ball lying in water in a water hazard or in searching for a ball in an obstruction or an abnormal ground condition - Rule 12-1
  • In repairing a hole plug or ball mark - Rule 16-1c
  • In measuring - Rule 18-6
  • In lifting a ball under a Rule - Rule 20-1
  • In placing or replacing a ball under a Rule - Rule 20-3a
  • In removing a loose impediment on the putting green - Rule 23-1
  • In removing movable obstructions - Rule 24-1

the weather was overcast for a few holes followed by full sun and hot and windy conditions.

Round 7: NTP for Nobody

[Presentation 2018Mar31a]
Trophy winner
31st March:

It was a holiday long weekend and the course was filled with uncouth, cart driving, occasional golfers. Nevertheless, we remembered the mindset advice from PeterD and kept our focus.

The recently cored greens caused us difficulty in picking the pace required for some putts.

Skins were shared evenly until mid way through the back 9 where PeterH moved ahead and had 10 skins by the 15th. Craig struck back to take the 16th and the last 2 holes were shared.

Stableford Individual Scores
[Name (hcap) Points Skins]:


Nearest to the pin (15th & 16th holes):

no result, we could not hit a green!

Longest drive (13th hole):

PeterH with a 214 metre drive.

Interesting Shots:

Craig managed to square the 17th (dam) hole giving the lie to the PeterH claim that he "owned" that hole. Soon, Mark is sure to question the statistics on the 17th.


By PeterH. Next time it will be Craig to cater.

Rules of the Round:

No rules today.


some of the greens had been cored recently giving some very bumpy putts. And, as usual, the bunkers were in poor condition due to lack of sand and no maintenance; fortunately, we spent little time with them.


warm and sunny early on followed by some heavy cloud and relieving breeze.

Round 6: PeterD Came Back!

17th March:
[Presentation 2018Mar17a]
Trophy presentation

For this round PeterD was visiting from the south and dropped in for a skins match. He was accompanied by Kim, a former skins player. Also, at the request of James the course professional, we were joined by John who was left without a playing group.

As usual, PeterD dominated the skins with a few isolated wins by PeterH including the favoured hole 17.

Stableford Individual Scores
[Name (hcap) Points Skins]:

1st (par 4): PeterD.
15th (par 3): PeterH.

Longest drive (13th hole):

PeterD with a drive of 270 metres.

Nearest to the pin (15th hole):

PeterH with a tee shot to 1.2 metres (and winner of 2 balls in the NT competition).

Interesting Shots:

PeterD made a birdie on the first hole following a poor tee shot to the adjacent 9th fairway. The approach shot cleared the trees to hit the green close enough to make the birdie putt.


By PeterH. Next time catering by PeterH.

Rules of the Round:

20-1. Lifting and Marking

For an explanation of the lifting and marking process for preferred lies, refer to this rule explained in Round 5.


25-1. Abnormal Ground Conditions

Abnormal Ground Conditions

An "abnormal ground condition" is any casual water, ground under repair or hole, cast or runway on the course made by a burrowing animal, a reptile or a bird.

a. Interference

Interference by an abnormal ground condition occurs when a ball lies in or touches the condition or when the condition interferes with the player's stance or the area of his intended swing. If the player's ball lies on the putting green, interference also occurs if an abnormal ground condition on the putting green intervenes on his line of putt. Otherwise, intervention on the line of play is not, of itself, interference under this Rule.

b. Relief

Except when the ball is in a water hazard or a lateral water hazard, a player may take relief from interference by an abnormal ground condition as follows:

(i) Through the Green:

If the ball lies through the green, the player must lift the ball and drop it, without penalty, within one club-length of and not nearer the hole than the nearest point of relief. The nearest point of relief must not be in a hazard or on a putting green. When the ball is dropped within one club-length of the nearest point of relief, the ball must first strike a part of the course at a spot that avoids interference by the condition and is not in a hazard and not on a putting green.

(ii) In a Bunker:

If the ball is in a bunker, the player must lift the ball and drop it either:

(a) Without penalty, in accordance with Clause (i) above, except that the nearest point of relief must be in the bunker and the ball must be dropped in the bunker or, if complete relief is impossible, as near as possible to the spot where the ball lay, but not nearer the hole, on a part of the course in the bunker that affords maximum available relief from the condition; or

(b) Under penalty of one stroke, outside the bunker keeping the point where the ball lay directly between the hole and the spot on which the ball is dropped, with no limit to how far behind the bunker the ball may be dropped.


The back 9 greens had been cored and the weather was very hot and humid.

Round 5: PeterH Jumps to the Lead

[Presentation 2018Mar10a]
Trophy winner
10th March:

This round was brought forward by a week and the fast turn-around produced some mixed results. PeterH started well and unnerved the opposition until they mounted a late recovery after the 14th. By that time is was too late, the trophy had moved on.

There was some confusion with the 2BBB vs aggregate pairs competition. In the end it was Craig & PeterH taking the North Turramurra 2 ball aggregate win with 80 points.

Stableford Individual Scores
[Name (hcap) Points Skins]:
[Presentation 2018Mar10b]
Post Match
Aggregate Stableford:

1st (par 4): PeterH.
2nd (par 3): PeterH.

Nearest to the pin (15th hole):

Mark with a tee shot to 7.0 mbs.

Longest drive (13th hole):

PeterH with a 250 metre drive.

Interesting Shots:

The putting was interesting today with many long putts holed.


By Mark. Next time it will be PeterH.

Rules of the Round:

Rule 20-1. Lifting and Marking

A ball to be lifted under the Rules may be lifted by the player, his partner or another person authorized by the player. In any such case, the player is responsible for any breach of the Rules.

The position of the ball must be marked before it is lifted under a Rule that requires it to be replaced. If it is not marked, the player incurs a penalty of one stroke and the ball must be replaced. If it is not replaced, the player incurs the general penalty for breach of this Rule but there is no additional penalty under Rule 20-1.

If a ball or ball-marker is accidentally moved in the process of lifting the ball under a Rule or marking its position, the ball or ball-marker must be replaced. There is no penalty, provided the movement of the ball or ball-marker is directly attributable to the specific act of marking the position of or lifting the ball. Otherwise, the player incurs a penalty of one stroke under this Rule or Rule 18-2.

Exception: If a player incurs a penalty for failing to act in accordance with Rule 5-3 or 12-2, there is no additional penalty under Rule 20-1.

Note: The position of a ball to be lifted should be marked by placing a ball-marker, a small coin or other similar object immediately behind the ball. If the ball-marker interferes with the play, stance or stroke of another player, it should be placed one or more clubhead-lengths to one side.


Overcast and humid with a relieving breeze.

Round 4: PeterH survives a fast finish from Mark

3rd March:
[Presentation 2018Mar03a]
Trophy presentation

Another stroke play round today but no prize winners in our group. Fortunately, this allowed us to focus on the more important skins trophy.

Skins were shared evenly until the 11th where PeterH managed to collect four. As we neared the end, it was looking like a possible come from behind win for Mark with 3 skins available on the 18th. Craig repelled his charged with a fine putt to square the hole and gift the win to PeterH.

Stroke Play Individual Scores
[Name (hcap) Gross / Nett Skins]:

14th (par 3): after the near Ace, Mark made the birdie putt.

[Presentation 2018Mar03b]
Almost an Ace
Longest drive (13th hole):

PeterH with a drive of 218 metres.

Nearest to the pin (15th and 16th holes):

all players missed the green on the 15th and the NTP moved on to the difficult 190 metre 16th where the green was missed again.

Interesting Shots:

On the 14th hole, Mark narrowly missed a slam dunk hole in one and insisted on some photographic evidence before sinking the birdie putt.


was by Craig; next time Mark will cater.

Rules of the Round:

None today.


a warm to hot day with high humidity and some reliving breezes.

Round 3: Farewell to PeterD!

17th February:
[Presentation 2018Feb17a]
Trophy presentation

Today was the last round for our good friend PeterD. He has decided to leave us and move south to Mexico. Despite the sombre mood, Craig felt no petty and still took out the win in a small field on the last hole.

Your good nature and philosophy lessons will be missed PeterD. Enjoy your new home and remember, you still have that Xmas trophy so you need to come back for that!

Stableford Individual Scores
[Name (hcap) Points Skins]:

7th (par 3): PeterD.

Nearest to the pin (15th hole):

PeterD with a tee shot to 7.2 pds.

Longest drive (13th hole):

Craig with a drive just to the top of the hill.

Interesting Shots:

No interesting shots today. A very solid round by the players.


By PeterD. A fine affair enjoyed by Craig. Next time is Craig.

Rules of the Round:

No controversy or rules discussion.


Hot with a pleasant breeze when it managed to blow.

Round 2: PeterD Dominates

3rd February:
[Presentation 2018Feb03a]
Trophy presentation

PeterD continued the good form from 2017 to take the first trophy for this year.

The North Turramurra stroke play competition was also won easily by PeterD with a 3 over par scratch round of 71 including 3 birdies and 6 bogeys.

Stroke Play Individual Scores
[Name (hcap) Gross / Nett Skins]:

3rd (par 4): PeterD,
7th (par 3): PeterD,
10th (par 4): PeterD.

Nearest to the pin (15th hole):

PeterD with a tee shot to 9 pds.

Longest drive (13th hole):

PeterH with a drive of 233 metres.

[Presentation 2018Feb03b]
Strokeplay Winner
Interesting Shots:

PeterD received generous applause for the approach shot on the 3rd; and he made the birdie putt.


was by PeterH; next time PeterD has volunteered and promises a big spread.

Rules of the Round:

None today.


the day started with steady rain, followed by patches of sun and drizzle, and concluded with wind gusts.

Round 1: Extreme Weather Wins Out.

20th January:
[Presentation 2018Jan20a]
Heat Map

After some consultation, round 1 was cancelled due to the extreme weather.


Next round is to be catered by PeterH.


extremely hot.