[Nth Turramurra 6th hole]
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North Turramurra Skins Golf 2007 Archive

2007 Christmas Classic goes to Hamish in his annual outing.

15th December:

This year we had seven starters in the annual North Turramurra Christmas Classic and the 2007 Champion is Hamish.

Rules were set by Stix with random clubs selected by Mrs Stix for each tee shot.

[Presentation 2007dec15a]
Individual Scores
[Name (hcap) Stableford_points]:

2007 champion: Hamish.

[Presentation 2007dec15b]
Team Scores
(Aggregate of best two stableford scores):
Nearest the Pin
(4th hole):

Won by Dave in a tight competition with Craig. Both made very skillful 7 iron shots on the 110 metre par 3.

[Presentation 2007dec15c]
Longest Drive
(17th hole):

Hamish took the longest drive trophy after some rules controversy and the withdrawal of PeterD.


Paul scored a spectacular birdie and 5 stableford points on the par 3 11th after missing a slam dunk hole-in-one by a few centimeters.

[Presentation 2007dec15d]

Peter Haines takes trophy in a tight final round.

1st December:

After a brief trip in the Audi TT, the round was played at Camden Lakeside in perfect weather. Peter Dickson dominated the stableford score but was unable to sink the critical putts to take the skins.

There were 10 holes squared.

[Presentation 2007dec01]

Scores today [Name (hcap) Stableford_score Skins]:

Birdies: Peter Dickson on the par 5 13th.


Beer and food was provided by the Camden Lakeside club house bar.

This was the final Skins round for 2007 and the annual scores after 20.5 rounds are on the right.

Peter Dickson lesson/practising regime

No information this round as Peter has moved from Riverside Oaks to Castle Hill Country Club and his golflink data has disappeared.

Peter Dickson regains the Skins Trophy despite incident with tame magpie.

17th November:

In a big day, Peter dominated play and initiated a love affair with a dishevelled magpie. There is a rumour that the magpie was a close friend of Darren, the Golf Professional.

To top off the day, Peter gave Bob Rotella's book "The Golf of your Dreams" a very bad review: "more american crap" I believe the quote went.

[Presentation 2007nov17]

Scores today [Name (hcap) Stableford_score Skins]:

Birdies: Peter Dickson on the 4th.

Beer was provided by Stix.

Peter Dickson lesson/practising regime

No lessons this fortnight and no handicap change.

Handicap improvement per hundred dollars = 0.6.

No Play Today.

3rd November:

The weather at Raby was tooo wet for us today. So we booked Camden Lakeside for 4 weeks time and had the AGM at a cafe and discussed the devious rules for the Xmas round on 15th December.

Stix wins Skins Trophy.

20th October:

Today Stix proved Craigs theory on playing well after a break.

[Presentation 2007oct20]

Scores today [Name (hcap) Stableford_score Skins]:

Birdies: None.

Cold and fresh Beer was provided by Peter Dickson.

As the next match is at Camden Lakeside, Stix will be catering for the following match in 4 weeks.

Peter Dickson lesson/practising regime

Handicap improvement per hundred dollars = 0.6

Peter Dickson takes Skins Trophy.

6th October:

Just the two players today with Peter Dickson playing consistently well to score 9 over par (5+4).

Here he is celebrating with some caviar and champagne.

[Presentation 2007oct06]

Scores today [Name (hcap) Gross_score/Nett_score Skins]:

Birdies: Peter Dickson on the 4th and 10th.

No beer today. Peter will attempt it again next match.

Peter Dickson lesson/practising regime

Handicap improvement per hundred dollars = 0.9

Stop press: the improvement was reported incorrectly to be 1.2. The handicaper at Gordon GC has started to repair some of his errors and the PeterD handicap has come back to 12.0.

For those interested, the recent error was to use the Gordon GC par and CCR instead of the Nth Turramurra figures.

Kim Williams wins two.

22nd September:

Highlights of the day (by Craig Cashmore):

- Kim skimmed the water on the 9th, hit a rock and bounced very close to the 8th green. Very spectacular.

[Presentation 2007sep22]

- Dave hit a monster on the last hole to win longest drive.

- Another skins thriller, right down to the last hole with a halve between Dave and Kim securing the win for Kim.

No controversial rulings on the day although Peter queried whether you can replace a ball if it breaks in the course of play. What is the definition of broken? He will explain more next week.

Scores today [Name (hcap) Stableford score Skins]:

Birdies: None.

No one bought the beer so none was consumed. Peter will attempt it again next week.

Peter Dickson lesson/practising regime

Handicap improvement per hundred dollars = 0.0

The Stix Family Holiday Blog

Stix declined to add anything to the holiday blog due to the complexity. For future reference, the address of the blog is: www.stixholiday.blogspot.com.

Kim Williams wins his first skins.

8th September:

Today Kim overcame constant carping over his allocated handicap and some wet and windy weather to take his first skins trophy.

To make matters worse, the trophy was not brought to the course and beer was left in the Mercedes! (No Audi TT yet)

[Presentation 2007sep08]

Scores today [Name (hcap) Stableford score Skins]:

Birdies: Peter Dickson on the 16th.

The beer was in Peter Dickson's car and could not be consumed.

Next time the catering is by Peter Dickson, and the time after that, until he gets the beer out of the car.

Peter Dickson lesson/practising regime

Handicap improvement per hundred dollars = -0.3

Big Rollup At Skins.

25th August:

Today we had six players contesting the skins trophy in two groups. This meant that we lost any tension as we reached the final hole as skins were calculated in the clubhouse. There was a small amount of excitment over provisional skins.

[Presentation 2007aug25]

Scores today [Name (hcap) Stableford score Skins]:

No news on the Peter Dickson lesson/practising regime.

Birdies: None.

Catering provided by PeterH.

Next time catering by Peter Dickson.

Peter Haines takes trophy after Peter Dickson thwarts Stix.

11th August:

The skins continues to be close with this match decided on the 18th green.

Stix scored a 5 for 3 on the 18th and had the trophy in his hands until Peter Dickson sank a 4 metre putt to square the hole and give victory to Peter Haines.

Kim Williams returned today after a long break. He intends to play every 4 weeks when Craig is absent.

[Presentation 2007aug11]

Scores today [Name (hcap) Stableford score Skins]:

Peter Dickson is practising and taking regular lessons before turning professional soon. To help out I have offered to run a chart of his progress. This will probably take the form of a dollars per handicap improvement against time. Watch this space!

Birdies: None.

Beer provided by Stix.

Next time beer by PeterH.

Peter Dickson takes trophy after a countback.

28th July:


[Presentation 2007jul28]

Scores today [Name (hcap) Stableford score Skins]:

* = Winner on countback.

# = Penalised 2 strokes on hole 6 after running over ball with buggy.

Birdies: Peter Dickson on the 4th.

The beer was provided by Craig.

Next time beer to be provided by Stix.

Skins Trophy to Peter Haines.

14th July:

The 10:04 start time became 10:25 and then approached a world record slow round.

[Presentation 2007jul14a]

Scores today [Name (hcap) Stableford score Skins]:

Birdies: None.

The beer was Dortmunder DAB provided by PeterD. A badge from The Vintage was pressed into service as a bottle opener.

Next time beer to be provided by Craig.

Stix impresses daughter Casey and comes from behind to take the Skins Trophy.

30th June:

The skins score was 8 2 2 after 12 holes and looking cut and dried until Stix won 4 skins on the 16th and 2 skins on the 18th with a par.

[Presentation 2007jun30a]

Scores today [Name (hcap) Stableford score Skins]:

* = Winner on countback.

Birdies: None.

The beer was to be provided by Peter Dickson, however, he preferred to stay in Melbourne. This caused a Censure motion to be raised for the crimes of not notifying Stix and failing to provide beer.

The motion was passed 3-0.

Skins Washed Out.

16th June:

No play at Nth Turramurra today.

Peter Haines wins.

2nd June:

The matches are usually very close since the handicap system was brought in this year.

[Presentation 2007jun02a]

Today was stroke play and the individual scores were [Name (hcap) Net score Skins]:

Birdies: Stix on the 14th.

The beer was provided by Peter H. Next match the beer is to be provided by Peter Dickson.

Peter Dickson takes the skins trophy from Stix on countback.

[Presentation 2007may19a]
19th May:

We were close to having a 3 way countback for the trophy this week leading to a further call for clarification of the countback rules.

[Presentation 2007may19c]

The individual scores were [Name (hcap) Points Skins]:

* Peter Dickson winner on countback.

Birdies: none.

The beer was provided by Stix.

Next match the beer is to be provided by Peter H.

Craig Cashmore makes it two in a row at The Vintage.

5th May:

Craig Cashmore has continued his good form to take the Skins match at the Vintage and extend his lead in the 2007 Championship.

Craig led Peter Haines by one skin on the 18th tee and that was enough to take the match after Peter Dickson won the last skin.

The individual scores were [Name (hcap) Points Skins]:

[Presentation 2007may05f]

The 4BBB team scores were:

Birdies: none.

See The Vintage 2007 for more photos.

Craig Cashmore dominates Skins

[Presentation 2007apr21a]
21st April:

Craig Cashmore has continued his good form to dominate the Skins match and take the lead in the 2007 Championship.

[Presentation 2007apr21]

The scores were [Name (hcap) Points Skins]:

Birdies: two by PeterH on the 13th and 14th.

Stix hit the dam once again on the 9th prompting a rule change as follows. - Each player takes a turn to bring 4 beers of his choice. - Stix will bring the first 4 to the Nth Turramurra match after the Vintage round.

Today the beer was Michelob provided by Stix.

The spring golf outing is proposed to be at Twin Creeks. Stix will not be available in September and early October.

Peter H wins Skins under the Duckworth-Lewis-Dickson-Bryant Rule!

[Presentation 2007apr07]
7th April:

Peter Haines wins the Skins trophy in a rain shortened match.

The strokeplay scores were (9 holes):

Birdies: None!

The weather was WET. On a very waterlogged 5th green PeterD took 5 putts to make the distance to the hole for a 6. On the 9th hole we had a miraculous 3 pars after Stix chipped in. No-one hit the dam on the 9th. The beer was provided by Stix but declined due to the early finish.

Stix wins

[Presentation 2007mar24b]
24th March:

Stix wins the Skins trophy on a countback.

Peter Dickson spent some time in the bunker near the 9th green. For a while it looked like he was practising!

[Presentation 2007mar24a]

The scores were:

Birdies: None!

The beer was provided by Craig. Stix is to bring a six-pack for the next match.

Peter Dickson regains the Skins trophy

[Presentation 2007mar10b]
10th March:

Peter Dickson recovered from Matthew's clavicle to regain the Skins trophy from an out of form Stix. In fact there were three of us finding it difficult to stay on the fairways today.

There was no sign of Nth Turramurra stableford results in the Sun Herald. Can we assume Peter Dickson is the proud owner of another valuable voucher?

[Presentation 2007mar10]

The scores were:

Birdies: None!

No beer or nibbles available today, however, Craig is due to bring a six-pack next time.

We discussed the next Vintage match and decided on May 5 or 19th: please let me have your preference and I will make a booking.

I looked at the Magenta Shores, website and found very little information, but according to the iseekgolf review:

"The club is currently members only although people staying at one of the on-course villas can arrange a game. You can also play the course if are a group of 12 or more."

Stix makes comeback to take injury hit Skins

[Presentation 2007feb24]
24th February:

Stix made a miraculous recovery from a number of wipes on early holes to take the first 7 skins and move on to take the trophy.

Craig put his tee shot into the water on the 9th again and supplied a 6-pack from his previous swim two weeks ago.

The scores were:

Mark Bryant (20) 20pts 9 skins

Craig Cashmore (20) 31pts 7 skins

Peter Haines (14) 29pts 2 skins

Peter Dickson (13) 0pts 0 skins *

Remaining 0 skins

* = withdrew due to clavicle injury to son Matthew

Birdies: None! However, we had a record with Stix winning the first 7 skins on the 7th hole.

Rule clarification for hitting the dam on the 9th hole:
- Players must hit off in the correct order.
- First player per round to hit the dam to bring a 6-pack.
- 2nd and successive players per round to hit the dam to bring nibbles.

Peter Dickson Wins Skins

[Presentation 2007feb10]
10th February:

Peter Dickson won six skins to take out the 10th February trophy. He also won the Nth Turramurra A division singles stableford with 37 points.

The scores were:

Peter Dickson (13) 37pts 6 skins

Paul Dickson (27) 23pts 4 skins

Peter Haines (14) 35pts 4 skins

Mark Bryant (20) 27pts 2 skins

Remaining 2 skins

Birdies: PeterD on the 13th with a chip. There were probably lots of other important things to note but I have taken so long to write it down that it has ... zzz. Will try to do better next match.

27th January

This was the first round with the new handicap rules in force. Results:

Peter Haines (14) 36pts 7 skins

Craig Cashmore (22) 31pts 4 skins

Peter Dickson (13) 29pts 3 skins

Mark Bryant (20) 21pts 1 skins

Remaining 3 skins

Birdies: PeterD and PeterH. Stix provided the six pack. Next time Craig is to bring a six pack. I think we decided to amend the rules to clarify the six pack penalty: very important.